Students Express: Share Your Spoken Word Videos

At Guardian Students, our goal is to offer a platform for diverse voices of students and youth. The Blogging Students section enables students to discuss anything from feminist societies in schools to the effects of spiked drinks.

While we appreciate that not everyone is a natural-born writer, we recognize that they have something valuable to say. We have launched Students Express, a new avenue for showcasing your work on the Guardian. We are seeking submissions that range from various themes and plan to feature the best ones in galleries and articles on the Guardian website.

Our call this week is for spoken word videos on the theme of "heat." You may also send us a written poem or extract that is related or not to the subject. Let your imagination run wild; you may write about the weather, personal emotions, politics, or any issue that resonates with you.

We welcome poetry, spoken word, and creative writing from young people and students that are not affiliated with the current theme.

In case you need inspiration, we are sharing some of the videos we received through GuardianWitness’s spoken word assignment from the last time.

Submitting your work is fairly easy. Head over to GuardianWitness, where you can share your work by clicking on the blue "Contribute" button on this article. You may also utilize the GuardianWitness smartphone app or the Guardian app and search for "GuardianWitness assignments." We welcome social media shares on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the hashtag #guardianstudents.

Include your name, educational institution, and course of study with your entry.

GuardianWitness is a platform where Guardian readers can upload their content, including videos, photos, and stories, and explore news, reviews, and creations shared by others.


  • isabelbyrne

    Isabel Byrne is a 32-year-old blogger and student who resides in the United States. Byrne is an advocate for education and has written extensively on the topic of education reform. Byrne is also a proponent of the use of technology in the classroom and has spoken at numerous conferences on the topic.