The Importance Of Living With The Present And Not Regret The Past

Saying it’s easy isn’t easy. From a scientific standpoint, it makes perfect sense to have a “what time is it” time. Our habits are not always in line with such rules. It has become difficult to live as a master and be aware of everything that happens. It is very difficult to lead a mindful, conscious life if you don’t meditate or practice mindfulness. It is difficult to live in the moment when there are external influences on your life. But, it becomes even more difficult if you have external factors that affect you. It is possible to maintain inner calmness and not be influenced by the past, the future or by current sexuality.

Many people love to take photos and go ball catching, but they will never live in the moment. In our minds, we often look back on the past with regret and dream of a future far away. These thoughts are like sedatives that make us feel good for a while, and they help us avoid facing the problems of the moment. We are therefore not surprised when people face many challenges, they tend to think about the past or dream of a better future in order to hide from the difficult present. The people think that this is the best way to overcome difficulties in their lives. The past is done, but the future still hasn’t come. What hope could there be in the future that will bring reality? Both are nothing, both are illusions. The past is gone, and we can’t go back to it. One we hope will come, but that is not guaranteed. We put our lives on these two fragile bubbles. Many people deliberately avoid the color they consider to be the most generous, thinking it’s cruel. You are letting the real life slip through your hands. Buddhism places a lot of emphasis on the here and now. Some Buddhist texts express the value of living now, without looking back to the past or thinking of the future.

Many people live their lives with a great deal of regret. When a person is older, they often review the past. There’s a glorious past with pasting, and there’s a sad past. Although it may be full of pain or traces, collectively the past has left a ‘love-mark’ in our minds. We choose to honor it despite its many stains and scars. When we are unhappy with our present, we tend to think back on the past. This is because the ‘once-in-awhile’ regrets of the past never go away. We can’t go back in time, even if the past is beautiful. You can let go of it, not to take it too seriously, and there are a lot of other things. When I think about it, I feel lightheaded for a few moments, and when I come back to the present I am more depressed. Buddha said “if he attaches himself to past events and begins to dwell on them, he will be looking back in time”. The past has passed, but memories remain. They can be images, feelings or unrealistic feelings. It is just a shadow. The past is no longer available, but there are still memories, that are images, feelings, unrealistic feelings, just a shadow of what happened. This can make the mind feel uneasy and cause it to be agitated if the thoughts about it become too intense. It will then bring up the symptoms, such as attachment, sadness, regret or joy. All of these afflictions come from attachment and craving. The shadow is not the truth, but the reason for craving and addiction. It is a real burden. It is fine to remember the past, but it is not a good idea to get caught up in reminiscing and reflection. Our past experiences have helped us to become more mature. We often confuse purpose with means, but this is not important. But life is here now. Charles Dickens’ advice is to focus on the present and the fortunate opportunities available. He says that people should not regret the past. Keep the past in your heart while you embrace the new in your stomach. The timeline will be able to link old, current and future events if you use the clues from the present. In other words, the knowledge and experience of the past can be used to guide us in the future.

Future aspirations that are unrealistic are a form of dreaming. Irrealistic to worry or wish for something which may never occur. Imagine how far it is away if we are anxious and longing for things to go our way. The sutra Sutra tells us not to expect in the near future that I’ll be like this or like that. Don’t expect anything in the future, not even what you will taste, smell, or feel. Future aspirations for these things are not undesirable, nor is boredom. Due to their interrelatedness, it is hard to predict the outcome of events and phenomena. We can only control the present. We don’t have to say that if we are planning for the future. It’s a myth that the distant future will be unreal. However, the work we are doing now is to build a foundation for the future based on reality. This is how the past and future are connected. It is impossible to predict the future. However, everyone should plan ahead. People will feel more secure and be able to act more actively. Plan will show us the way forward, although we must still adapt to new changes. The past should not be pushed back and the future should not drag on. We cannot live in the color of the present if our minds wander. Forget the present and forget about your true self. Living in present time is being independent, self centered, and not engulfed by the colors that are on the ceiling. The eyes like beautiful colors. The ears are good. The tongue is delicious. There are friendly touches on the body. Living isn’t good if you destroy your own life and harm those around you. We have always had ‘bases.’ They are looking at a ‘ceiling’. When we feel through the ‘consciousness’, it brings forth desire. Here is where all suffering and samsara in this life comes from.

We all have 24 hours a day to work and live. You’ll lose it if don’t make the most of it. When you spend 2,000 VND on phone registration and promotions, for example, you can use 25 minutes in-network calling within 24 hour. After 24 hours, if the time has not been used, it is lost. Each morning when you start the day, your time account will be 86400 seconds. You will lose it if you do not use it. When you realize that you will be able to live in the moment for the entire 24 hours, it makes life much more meaningful. As such, we still have 24 hours in a day. We should use this time to our advantage, if you want to be happy, healthy, and successful.


  • isabelbyrne

    Isabel Byrne is a 32-year-old blogger and student who resides in the United States. Byrne is an advocate for education and has written extensively on the topic of education reform. Byrne is also a proponent of the use of technology in the classroom and has spoken at numerous conferences on the topic.